Privacy Policy

Welcome to the JobFill ("Extension"), developed by JobFill Pte. Ltd. ("we," "us," or "our"). This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle information related to our Extension.

Data Access and Use

JobFill does not access, process, or share any of your personal data through the use of our Extension. Your privacy is our utmost priority. The Extension allows you to store data directly on your local hard drive using Chrome's local storage and sync storage. This data remains entirely under your control and is used solely by you for the purposes of filling forms.

Data Storage and Protection

Your data is stored locally on your device and optionally synced through Chrome’s storage services. Only you have access to your data, and we do not access, sell, or share your data with any third parties. Protecting your data is our highest priority, and we are committed to maintaining the highest privacy standards.

User Authentication

JobFill uses Google OAuth for user authentication. During this process, we only retrieve your email and OpenID provided by Google. We do not access your Google account or any other personal information. The retrieved information is used solely for the purposes of authenticating your identity and enabling necessary communication. We do not use this information for any other purposes, and it is not shared with any third parties. Our goal is to ensure a secure and personalized user experience while respecting your privacy.

Chrome Extension Permission

- host_permissions (*://*/*): JobFill requires this permission to detect forms and auto-fill them. The permission will display a warning message: "Read and change all your data on the websites you visit".
- unlimitedStorage: This permission allows JobFill to store data on your hard disk.
- cookie: JobFill uses this permission to access cookies for authentication and data encryption.

Commitment to Privacy

We ensure you have full control over your personal data. Your data is not sold or shared with any third parties and is used exclusively within the Extension’s functionality, as directed by you. We are dedicated to transparency and control, ensuring you are informed about how your data is handled.

Changes and Contact Information

This Privacy Policy may be updated or changed. We recommend reviewing it periodically to stay informed about how we protect your information. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this page. For any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the Extension, please contact us at